How it works |
Why choose a Least Cost Routing Operator or LCR operator ?The telephone industry is now deregulated and is now open to competion from other operators. Whilst Companys such as BT or Telewest continue to provide phone services and provision of services (i.e cabling), Consumers are now able to choose which carrier (the company that routes the call) to use. Many LCR operators offer various disocunts and packages depending on the customers call spend. Euphony Communications Ltd is such a company offering discounted calls to both domestic and business users, and is currently the only company offering customers free local calls ! How it worksThe euphony system works by routing the customers call via a Least Cost Routing System. Simply put: When a customer dials 132 (or keys the blue button on our euphony phone), they are routed out of the local BT exchange to a switch centre. The switch center recognises the caller`s phone number and the designated carrier. When the carrier receives the caller`s number, they know that the call is from a euphony customer and route the call via the most shortest and cost effective route avaliable. At the end of the month euphony receive information from the carrier and then bill the customer at our discounted rates. More questions about euphony and our services ? please see our FAQ |